Which Girlfriends Character are You?

Which Girlfriends Character are you?

In the 90s and 2000s women traveled in fours. It was always the perfect girls night. Every show that I can think of had a group of four women. Golden Girls, Sex and the City, Girlfriends etc. Since my name is Lynn, people always associated me with the character Lynn. They were partially right. I am crazy and funny. Very laxed personality, unless the kids are around. The older I get, the more I have become the Joan. People are coming to me more and opening up and I am giving sound advice. I always loved all of these ladies personalities. The episodes are now available on Netflix and I am a little excited for the weekends. Here are a little tidbits to help you make your decision.

Joan- The den mom friend. She appeared to be a workaholic attorney but spent most of the time on the show hanging with her girls. She had the ‘go to’ house. She could never keep a man but knew how to counsel you through a relationship. I can’t believe her and William found love. That was the funniest thing ever. That’s how life works. Sometimes, you fall in love with the person who was just your friend. Joan had a successful career and decided to quit her job. That was crazy to me, but now I understand WHY and HOW that can happen. That’s why I embrace my FT HR job and my freelance job being a blogger. It definitely helps with the burnout. Seems funny how more work could help with burnout but it does.

Toni - Hilarious personality. I can watch her all day. She was the bougie friend. We all have that girlfriend that splurges hard and is unapologetic. Finally got married and divorced and had the kid. I really enjoyed the days with her and Todd. To think, this was not the friend who we thought would have the baby.

Mya - The friend with all the tea. Mya was the girlfriend who had a baby and got married early. She was the one with real life experience but was working as Joan’s assistant. I laughed out loud at the times they were having drinks or lunch and she said she had to punch back in at work. COMEDY!

Lynn - The crazy friend. Lynn had no filter and did not care what society thought of her. She reminds me of a millennial of the day. Lynn wasn’t worried about work and bills. She just wanted to live a relaxed life.


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