I am Black History
I am living Black history. My Grandfather EW Wesley was born in Mississippi. He was a WWII veteran. This was the deadliest war. Grandpa EW Wesley was 19 years old. He later became a molk man to raise his 11 kids and take care of my grandma Shirley. He was one of three brothers and all three went to the army at a very young age. He migrated to New Orleans and met my Grandmother Shirley Guilford Wesley and they had 11 children. My aunts are the first generation of college graduates. I grew up looking up to them. My aunt Brenda W. Jackson is a living legend at Southern University and My aunt Patricia W. Keligond was a manager at the iconic South Central Bell. She was a phone operator, before AI an all of this fancy stuff. People worked hard on telephones and typed on old fashioned equipment to get us here.
We are living Black history every day. Thank you to the generations before us who pressed and pressed until things got right. We are forever grateful to our ancestors.
Legacy Legacy